This weekend, as part of my assignment, I had to make an analysis of the social media efforts made by a certain industry. Without even thinking twice I chose MOTORCYCLES!
It was actually kind of fun when you research and follow something you like… I compared Yamaha, Honda and Harley Davidson. The first two were lagging a lot with respect to the use of tools available with Web 2.0 but Harley had a really good strategy in place.
Their website had lots interaction, sharing and collaboration. You could customize your bike and buy accessories from their website (the others you could only print a list and go to the dealer), upload pictures from your rides and have access to their events calendar, ride plans and even schedule a tour to their manufacturing plants! You could really feel the sense of community! And on top of that, all of their social media websites were integrated. You could become a fan on Facebook, MySpace, check their YouTube Channel with lots of cool videos… And that’s probably one of the reasons they have over two million fans on Facebook (I am one of them now!) versus less than 40 thousand from the other two combined.
If you analyze it from a business perspective it really makes sense! I could see the benefit of social media… Now, when you look at my personal use… what a waste of time!!! Next time I’ll share my experience creating my profiles!